We’re on a Mission to Create a More Mindful World to Live in.

Our Mission:

To empower 1,000,000 million people in raising their levels of mindfulness, self-understanding, and emotional mastery through high-level coaching programs, leadership development training, connected community, and mental/emotional health resources.

Our Vision:

To create a more conscious world with a collective of individuals who have embodied the empowering skills of mindfulness, self-understanding, and emotional mastery are able to translate those skills outwardly to the world and relationships around them. This creates conscious leaders, soul-centered businesses, loving families & friends, connected communities, and ultimately a better world to live in. 

Our 7 Core Values:

Our values are part of every conversation we have, embedded in our company culture, aligned within all of our partnerships, and intentionally integrated into every way in which we serve.

  1. Centered Contribution:

    Giving is at the core of how we lead and what we are here to create. Contributing to the world in meaningful and impactful ways through all of the mediums we deliver our message through and the people we encounter along this journey fills us up as much as it fills up the lives of those we interact with.

  2. Continuous Evolution:

    We are continually growing, evolving, and expanding as each new level of business and life offers the opportunity to reach new heights and touch more lives.

  3. Expressive Creativity:

    Freedom of thought and expression in our teaching, speaking, writing, facilitating, and coaching. What we create is always a direct reflection of what we value and how we are serving the world as a whole.

  4. Embodied Mindfulness:

    Mindfulness isn’t simply a daily meditative session, it’s a way of living. We are dedicated to maintaining high levels of awareness as the ever-changing nature of life evolves. This means showing up each and every day, in each and every moment, with high levels of awareness, acceptance, openness, and curiosity. In leading by example, we invite others to do the same.

  5. Genuine Compassion:

    Compassionate, empathetic leaders and businesses are exactly what this world needs right now. To us, understanding is at the root of compassion. It means being thoughtful and aware of what others are experiencing and holding space to allow them to have their own experience without judgment or criticism. It’s being able to see the whole picture and know that each individual holds different beliefs, perspectives, and ways of being as a result. Essentially, seeing them not as a separate unit but as a part of yourself and relating to what they are experiencing at a much deeper level.

  6. Holistic Well-being:

    We don’t believe in business, profits, success, or the like in disregard to the big picture of how we are doing and feeling as a whole; mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Therefore all of our teachings are ingrained with a higher virtue of living harmoniously and multi-dimensionally in all areas of life.

  7. Connected Community:

    Lastly, at our roots, we are a community. We believe building and nurturing lasting and meaningful connections among each other is the true essence of this human existence. We are not meant to do this life alone. Community is the fabric that weaves us together.

Who We Are:


Mindset Coach, Mindfulness Trainer, & NLP Practitioner


I’ve worked alongside entrepreneurs, creators, and leaders to teach them how to master the power of their minds in both professional and personal settings. I believe that true transformation only happens at the level of the subconscious mind, the layer of the mind where all of our beliefs, habits, and emotions are stored. As a result, my unique method; The Self by Design Method, infuses applicable tools from the often disconnected disciplines of neuroscience, psychology, and mindfulness to design an innovative approach to mindful living and leading that’s changing the way we work and live.

  • I’ve been immersed in the EAP and Mental Health field for over 15 years; originally with a nationally recognized EAP provider before moving into private coaching and eventually evolving Self by Design to the business it is now with Isaiah, serving individuals all over the world with mindfulness, neuroscience, and psychology methods and tools that build healthy and vibrant minds.

  • Amongst my passion for mental and emotional well-being and living mindfully, I love spending time at the beach going for daily ocean swims with Isaiah (or anything that puts me in nature!) near our Southern California home in Encinitas. I am also a creator and artist at heart who enjoys writing, designing, painting, and reading voraciously whenever she can. I enjoy traveling to exciting new places and am always dreaming up my next big adventure. Often that adventure has included a pilgrimage back to the beloved Italian coastline where my father’s side of the family is from. I grew up in a small factory town nestled in Upstate New York, known as Endicott, NY but I’ve lived all over the country in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego (and explored many different parts of myself as a result!). I love a good playlist and I dance often, move my body to yoga and pilates every morning, meditate daily to stay centered and aligned, and enjoy nurturing my body through organic nutritious foods and green products. I love being social and active in my local community as I believe people are the most fascinating, beautiful things on earth. People will always be what matters most. I profoundly love my family and friends and invest in those relationships deeply. You can see a little bit more of my personal life here.

  • My highest values are love, passion, freedom, creativity, growth, and contribution; something Isaiah and I are committed to discovering within each individual they encounter and work with.


  • Mental & Emotional Well-being

  • Mindfulness Training & Facilitation

  • Leadership Training & Development

  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

  • Sustainable Behavioral Change

  • Resiliency Training


  • International Coaching Federation (ICF) Certified Coach

  • Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programmer (NLP)

  • Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Practitioner

  • Certified Cognitive Hypnotherapist

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Trained


  • Cognitive Neuroscience - Stanford University Continuing Studies

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Stanford University Continuing Studies

  • Entrepreneurship & Emerging Enterprises, B.A. - Syracuse University

  • The School of Life.


Business & Mindest Coach, Master NLP Practitioner


Isaiah is a lifelong entrepreneur and has found a passion in serving others as a business and mindset coach. Isaiah has his bachelor’s degree in kinesiology from the University of Kentucky, with continued education at the master’s level in Biomechanics and Sport Psychology, in which he completed his 300-hour practicum under Carol Mushett Johnson, studying the subconscious mind and multiple models of psychological frameworks from the psychoanalytic, cognitive behavioral, and humanistic approach. Isaiah has dove deeply into the multiple layers of personal and professional development, exploring them further from the esoteric and somatic practices of Yoga, Bodywork, Meditation, Breathwork, and Zen practice. Isaiah has also earned his certification as an NLP practitioner under Steven Leeds and Rachel Hott of the renowned NLP Center of New York.

  • Growing up in Richmond, Kentucky, I come from an unassumingly unconventional background and family…My Father, a retired US Marine Sniper, and my mother, a Reiki Master, and gifted intuitive homemaker, have been married for over 35 years, and I have 3 siblings to which I have navigated the obvious polarities that our parent’s lifestyle and parenting choices manifested. Dad never quite fit the corporate world, and a couple of years after retiring from the Marines as a Master Sergeant, he started his own remodel and handyman business, which meant I spent my summers and spring breaks from 12 years old on in what my brother and I joking referred to as “Marky Mark's Boot Camp”. It's here that we learned a certain work ethic (and that hard labor doesn't always pay off the way creative problem-solving and repeatable organized systems do) and was the foundation of my entrepreneurial efforts. On the weekends (admittedly to avoid more laborious work with Dad) I would trade my hammer or shovel into work alongside my mom in her small pop-up store “Angel Influence'' where, where we sold rocks, gems, incense, dream catchers, tarot cards, and many other esoteric trinkets.  I met with some of the most eclectic people of my childhood there while she practiced reiki and energy healing on her clients.

  • By 16 I had two businesses of my own, a lawn care and landscaping company and a nutritional supplement resale business while attending vocational school to earn welding certifications, and taking some 2 college classes per semester, and finishing nearly a full year of college before graduating high school. I continued on to build and scale multiple business ventures. All of this is to be said, I was largely unfilled and lead down the path to do the real work of honestly looking at all and integrating parts of myself to become the loving partner, founder, business and mindset coach I am today.


  • Guided Meditation Facilitation

  • Mindfulness Training & Facilitation

  • Leadership Training & Development

  • Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

  • Corporate Mindfulness Consulting & Planning

  • Enterprise Growth & Scaling


  • Certified Neuro-Linguistic Programmer (NLP), NLP Center of New York

  • Certified in HAP Social-Emotional Education

  • Business Coach and Consultant

  • Scaling with Systems Initiative


  • B.S. in Kinesiology, University of Kentucky

  • Masters Level Continued Education in Biomechanics & Sports Psychology, University of Kentucky

  • 300 Hr Practicum under Carol Mushett, M.E.d, LMSW

Our Story:

Nicole’s Story:

When Isaiah and I met, I was working as a private mindset and business coach guiding entrepreneurs, executives, and leaders to explore their subconscious minds and live more mindfully (consciously!). I loved it (still do!) but my business model wasn’t sustainable and I was working A LOT. More than I was when I was working full-time at a corporate wellness company as an executive, way more. It required a lot of time and energy to continually acquire clients and serve them at the highest level while still maintaining all the content production, social media, email marketing, finances, legal, the list goes on…if you’re an entrepreneur, you get it!

As a result, my lifestyle of wellness and freedom was also starting to suffer and it became harder and harder to live what I preach. Point and case, I desperately needed support.

The beautiful part was, the path that lead me to do this work was a very deep and long road that lead me through recovering from decades of chronic illness (the body always reflects the mind), including mental and emotional health struggles, coupled with years of failing to get into a healthy committed relationship (attachment theory anyone?), while simultaneously knowing I had a message to deliver and a gift for the world that I just couldn’t seem to successfully execute on.

And believe me, I tried everything from starting my own graphic design business, to building a mobile app that supported tens of thousands of people through mental and emotional health challenges, to becoming a mental wellness “influencer” and racking up 90k+ Instagram followers back in 2018 that lead me to brand partnerships and paid vacations to beautiful destinations.

Most of these endeavors (like my dating life) worked until they didn’t work but taught me over and over again to return to myself and do the deeper work of healing and expanding my mind, body, and soul to live consciously and holistically.

They also lead me to my ICF coaching certification, NLP practitioner training, Hypnosis training, EFT certification, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction training, programs at Stanford University to study Neuroscience and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and a whole wealth of exploration into modalities and methodologies I was never aware of before. I became an entirely new human being, with an entirely new outlook on life.

Then I met Isaiah…

Isaiah’s Story:

When I met Nicole, I had just come off quite the bender of high-level mastermind programs (investing nearly $100,000 over some 18 months) to really push the needle further and continue to dismantle the limiting beliefs and glass ceilings of what I could accomplish in business. Surrounding myself with high-level entrepreneurs who, maybe more than not,  had broken that almost mythical $100,000 or even $1 Million dollar month.

While shaking hands, sharing stories, meals, triumphs and loses ( and truly learning more than I knew what to do within the moment) the common thread I wove was that each of these people was consumed by what they did, that though many of them had the money, the cars, the watches, the clothes and the egoic high of helping other people run their businesses, many of them energetically came off as unhappy, or at least somewhat delusional about the balance they had in their life.

I started to see myself going down the same path. Business for the sake of making money, not wealth. Business without purpose or passion, simply profit. Then in a moment of inspiration or enlightenment, I realized a fundamental truth of my life, that all of the knowledge, impact, interest, networking, and effort, only mattered if it came down to something as simple yet elusive as having very little friction in your mind and heart.

It's those moments when flow feels functional. It's the moments when you sit back and connect with yourself and decide the reason behind it all is that you're doing the things you're doing, because they are meaningful to YOU and aligned with your true values and purpose in the world. Initially, it has nothing to do with anyone else or anything else…really it’s about stepping into and embodying your best you, and having the humility and awareness to understand that operating from this place is in its essence, about everyone and everything else.

Moving into this way of living, seeing, and being in life allowed me to call in a partner like Nicole who was already living, seeing, and being this way. I transitioned from working with my mentor and coach Steven Leeds to heal many of the subconscious beliefs and experiences that had led me to this point, into training with him at the NLP Center of New York to become an NLP Practitioner and coach myself. I continued to employ the business strategies and systems I had acquired in those previous masterminds and my own business endeavors, but this time around I was working with Nicole on a business that aligned with my values, vision, and gifts.

The growth, both personally and professionally, was exponential. We are now living our most fulfilling lifestyle ever; moving in conscious relationship together, enjoying the ocean near our beautiful home in sunny Encinitas, California, and co-creating our passion together every day, all the while having the space for nurturing our health and wellness, families and social circles, and welcoming a family of our own next year with a beautiful daughter on the way in February. We made it our mission to support others in the wellness community in creating, feeling, and experiencing the same in their own lives.